
The Story Pirates University video library features standards-aligned writing curriculum and livestream classes, all hosted by our expert teachers. 

Story Pirates will lead students through a collaborative writing exercise, which students can then use as a model for their own writing along with tools we provide. Scroll down or click the links below to find:

Live Streams Hero Stories Show Not Tell Cast Out Common Words


Be part of the fun live! From creative fiction to expository writing, these lessons bring our expert teachers into your home for learning that feels like fun. Work with our Story Pirates Professors and other kids across the world to collaborate on a new piece of writing during each lesson, get a copy of your work, and then get immediate access to tools to try it on your own! You can even make suggestions for classes you’d like to see in the future, and send in your work for review by our Professor Panel!


In this video series, we're going to be creating stories about heroes, put them up against hero-sized problems, and help them come up with solutions that amaze us! Enjoy the first episode for free, then join the Creator Club and check back for a new video every Monday!


Everybody's heard the phrase “show not tell,” but what does that even mean? We're going to show not tell you in this series with a new video every Friday! Enjoy the first episode free, then start your trial of the Creator Club for new episodes every week!


Join the Creator Club, then click the images to unlock the videos!